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How To Get The Most 'F' Out of Life

If you thought that I meant anything other than FUN, then you need to attend this workshop!

  • Does everything feel like a struggle?

  • Are you tired of doing for everyone else?

  • Do you wonder when you get to have FUN?

  • Have you lost your joy?

  • Do you feel scared and lost?

  • Do you believe you have to keep everything in control?

  • Do you keep your emotions contained because you 'don't have time for this'?

  • Do you believe that having FUN is not productive?

  • Is your entire life structured and run by 'To Do' lists?


What if I told you that how you have been living is all an illusion?


  • Nothing is a struggle!

  • Everyone else actually can take care of themselves!

  • Having FUN is your birthright!

  • You are pure joy!

  • You are exactly where you need to be!

  • Control is an illusion and the only thing it does is keep you out of the present moment!

  • Your emotions are necessary for growth!

  • Having FUN will make you MORE productive

  • All you need is a 'To Be' list


Both of these pictures are me. The one on the left was 5 years ago when I thought I had it all under control and kept myself contained to get sh$t done. What a joke!


Now I have so much more fun and I am even MORE productive and have time for ME! 


Who would you rather be?


If you see yourself in the first picture then you need to join me and stop controlling your life and start living a life you love!

Still Don't Believe Me?

What if I told you I spent most of my life thinking I needed to be in control of everything... just in case. In fact, I even believed that I actually had everything in control.. 


Sound familiar?


I finally realized that most of what I was worrying about and planning for never actually happened and as a result....


I missed out on FUN and living my life. I spent so much time trying to control my life that I was not living it. 


I learned life doesn't need to be a struggle and that I can't control anything and I am here to tell you.....neither can you!


Don't let 2021 be a repeat of every other year in your life. 


Take charge of your FUN and your life and join me in this 5 week intensive workshop to allow you to break the cycle that you have been in. 

Learn how to get the F@#k out of your own way and have FUN!

What You Will Get: 

  • 4 Weeks dedicated to YOU!

  • Small intimate coaching group.

  • Private Facebook group

  • Thought provoking exercises to help move you forward to start releasing old patterns.

  • Tools that you can start using immediately

When: February 2-23 2021

            12:00 PM EST


Where: Zoom Link to be sent upon registration

The cost to have more FUN in your life and less control is only $444.00


If you commit before January 24, 2021 to make you the priority in 2021 receive a $44.00 discount  by using Promo Code: Iwantfun






Payment plans are are available. Reach out to me to discuss how we can make this happen for you! If you are telling yourself that you don't have the money or don't have the time, let's talk. Stop creating a story that is keeping you in the cycle of not moving forward. Do something uncomfortable and new. Make You the priority in 2021! 

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